Monthly Archives: May 2018

wet from the inside out

dawncraft chronicles

wet from the inside out

signs of damp inside Dawn TreaderPHOTO: Signs of water damage on the hardboard – dripping on my bunk, if I wasn’t in it at the time I would be convinced the windows were leaking.

When I first bought my Dawncraft it had no insulation at all but was covered in navy blue office carpet – parts of it still are and some even worse brown carpet on bunk sides - two bits of which still exist years later. The reason for this was to stop the dreaded condensation. This issue never really occurred to me as I had more than enough leaks from vents, windows and anything else connected to the outside world to worry about a little damp from condensing water vapour. However, over the last few seasons I have noticed it getting steadily worse and my desire to stay warm may be the problem.

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