cooking on the cut – winter 24December 23, 2024by Lisa MundayI’m sharing a few one pot fuss free festive dishes, which may be cooked over the stove (instead of in the oven) on those cold days when the fire is…
find your pastDecember 5, 2024by Kerry DaintyThe season of Family Gatherings is upon us and as the clock ticks closer to Christmas, many people will find themselves among relatives who they don’t see all that often.
jack frostDecember 5, 2024by Henny PearmainLast night brought the first deep frost of the year. With the morning sun, our surroundings shone with an ethereal beauty. Jack Frost had been busy overnight.
greaseDecember 5, 2024by Simon WoollenI have been busy winterising a motorcycle engine. What really kills them is water creeping into the electrics either by rain pouring down on them or worse still, condensation...
sticky fuel updateDecember 4, 2024by River Canal RescueIn a bid to reduce the number of cases of sticky fuel, River Canal Rescue is advising boaters to change their winter fuel storage strategies.
one thing a dayDecember 3, 2024by Karen BentDuring the last couple of year’s of my Mum’s life, I’d sometimes ask if she wanted to go out for lunch or come to us for dinner on a particular…
boating attireNovember 29, 2024by Mandy McDermottI don't stress how I dress👗because I live on a boat But my favoured attire is peaked cap and waist coat 🧢🦺 with sturdy worn boots👢👢and a bright neckerchief 🧣
the sixty lock challengeNovember 29, 2024by Clive EdwardsSeasoned sailor Clive Edwards, with his wife, two other couples and two dogs, take on the challenge of 60 locks on the Canal Du Midi from Beziers to Lauragais.
timothy west and prunella scalesNovember 29, 2024by Richard HillRichard Hill's article records an interview with Timothy West and Prunella Scales in which they talk about their love of canals and narrow-boating.
wring out those solstice bellsNovember 29, 2024by Michael NyeIf midsummer’s day is kind of important to me, on account of it being my birthday, then so is the winter solstice. I’d have been six months old when I…
paddington bearNovember 27, 2024by Iris LloydPaddington finds sailing on a narrowboat a very sociable and relaxing way to travel around the country – and he is never seasick! Perhaps he’ll sail by you one day...
rcr summer rescue spikeOctober 15, 2024by River Canal RescueRiver Canal Rescue reports its teams, from 1 June to 31 August this year, responded to an unprecedented number of call-outs; 50 major incidents involving submerged, partially sunken or grounded…
routes, networks, connectionsOctober 2, 2024by Kerry DaintyKerry Dainty looks at some of the accidental deaths that occurred during the building of the Bridgewater Canal, its wharves and tunnels, and at the sad fates met by others…
a flight problem with alcoholSeptember 16, 2024by Michael Nye"A flight problem with alcohol" is taken from Michael Nye's new book "Counting Freckles". The heroes encounter some drunken hire boaters trying to operate locks
cooking on the cut – autumn 24September 16, 2024by Lisa MundayLisa Munday brings us some wonderful recipes for the autumn, including Leek and Cheese Bread & Butter Pudding, Pumpkin Risotto and Sticky Gingerbread Cake...
things can only get betterSeptember 10, 2024by Karen BentKaren Bent talks about the noticeable deterioration of the Leeds and Liverpool canal, and expresses her fears that the canal may one day become a "ghost canal".
mists and mellow fruitfulnessSeptember 10, 2024by Henny PearmainKeats’ description of Autumn brings to mind a rich image and a distinct feeling, with the growing chill in the air, the earthy scent of leaves underfoot and the rich…
a rude awakeningSeptember 10, 2024by Mandy McDermottI thought you were getting frisky, When you rolled on me in the night, But the mattress was on a slant, When our mooring ropes went tight.