mysteries of the world

mysteries of the world 2


Alien Existence / UFO`s

Flight 19:

Just after the end of the Second World War in December 1945, a squadron of 5 TBF fighter planes were on a reconnaissance mission flying across the coast of southern Florida, the mission, which was a daily inspection flight was going as per every other daily flight had been previously, only this one turned out to be anything but normal.

The reason for this is that the squadron completely disappeared without trace or sound; the last recorded message was made by the squadron leader who was heard saying “ something is wrong, there is a white light, we are entering white water, what`s happening?” then silence. Nothing, not a sound, and then the planes disappeared from the radar system completely.

In a panic, the navy scrambled another squadron PBM Mariner to search for flight 19; amazingly
they too disappeared without trace in the same spot with the loss of 13 pilots.

To this day, neither squadron nor planes have ever been found, they literally just vanished from the earth, never to be seen or heard of again.

During the film 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind', there is a sequence towards the end of the film when the spaceship lands on the designated area and opens its door flaps. Once opened there is a bright ultra light which lets the viewer see people from all eras walking down the gangway back onto the earth's soil. Five of these people are dressed in pilots' uniforms from WW2. The pilots are asked who they are and what squadron did they belong to, only to answer “Flight 19”.

In an earlier scene from the film, scientists find 5 TBF fighter planes in the Mexican desert, only to be recognised by the experts as the missing from planes from flight 19.

Did flight 19 and the PBM Mariner rescuers become part of an alien abduction? Unlike in the film, neither planes nor the pilots have never been found. The American navy have been searching for them for the best part of 75 years, and have no explanation as to how, where or why they disappeared. Alien evidence may be a bit far fetched, but nobody has come up with a better suggestion.

flight 19 squadron

A Frightening Concept

Operation Highjump:

Two years after the end of the Second World War, over 4,000 military troops from Britain, Australia and the US, planned an invasion of Antarctica on a mission called “Operation Highjump” which was led by Admiral Richard E Byrd on board the flagship “The Northwind” supported by several destroyers, frigates and municipal vessels including the submarine Sennet. The fleet was also joined by Russian and Norwegian forces.

The operation has become a top story for UFO conspiracy theorists, who are convinced that the idea was to capture Nazi facilities and plans for the German Vril flying discs, or, as they were known, “Thule mercury powered spaceships" prototypes, which the Nazis had been working on after the success of the V1 and V2 rockets during the WW2 conflict.

Before the end of the war, two German U boats, were spotted taking supplies on board from a port in the Baltic Sea. Also on board were members of the anti-gravity disc research team who were carrying drawings, notes and design plans for the German flying saucers.

These documents were the only remaining intact plans to survive the bombings, after others had been destroyed during WW2, and the Germans were keen to keep them hidden and shroud them in mystery. The crew members were told by Hitler himself, before his suicide, in no uncertain terms, not to lose them at any cost.

Apart from the flying saucer designs, there were also plans for a huge underground complex that included living accommodation, factories and worst of all a launch pad for the discs.​

operation highjump

Rumours began to arise, even though Germany had been defeated, that a selection of high ranking military personnel and scientists had fled Germany as the allied troops marched across Europe, easing the stranglehold that the Nazis had inflicted on the various populations that they had conquered over the past five years. There were also rumours that part of the German Navy was still operating in the upper reaches of Antarctica two years after the war, with the question, why?

The development planned for the Antarctic region was the continual design of the disc theory, which was so advanced and based on extraterrestrial technologies, something which Hitler was obsessed by, having been overly interested in the occult during the Second World War. He believed that strength could be gained from it: he had it on good authority that the Earth was hollow, and in fact was inhabited by beings from other worlds.

One of the Nazi missions was to find the entrance to the Earth's core and make contact with the aliens to enhance their range of weaponry by the use of alien technology.

One question is, did they manage to find an entrance, and did they make contact with the otherworldly beings? If they did, that would explain the technology found in the design plans that were eventually found by the allies.

Imagine the carnage that they would have inflicted on the unsuspecting nations of the world, if this technology was developed during World War 2. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

cave drawings

Cave Drawings Across the Globe

Chariots of the Gods: During the late 1960`s and early 1970`s, there was a published book called “The Chariots of the Gods”, which to unsuspecting readers, was just another sci-fi book based on little green men and flying saucers. How wrong were they?

Apart from causing quite a lot of controversy claiming that it was nonsense, the book explained the theory of how it was possible that extraterrestrial beings were real and had been visiting the Earth for thousands of years, not just in one place, but also across the entire world.

The book also explains about the artifacts that were found. For instance, the alien creature found in a pyramid; the thousand year old spaceflight navigation charts; a map of land beneath the ice cap of Antarctica; computer drawings of astronomy from Ican, and Egyptian ruins. Plus the theory that Aliens had an interference in human existence.

The author of the book and renowned expert in extraterrestrial activities, Erich Von Daniken explained that he had visited caves, sites, caverns, forests and deep ravines that all contained the same thing, cave drawings. Nothing odd there as caveman drawings have been seen for thousands of years, but the drawings had one major thing in common, they were all the same when it came to sightings of visitors from other worlds. Consider that Erich Von Daniken had seen all these depictions across all of the continents including Africa, Europe, Asia, North and South America, The North and South Pole.

Surely the people in Africa would draw a different version on a cave wall to the person in Europe and Asia, but the images are all exactly the same, with people pointing towards the skies as if suggesting that the visitors came from up above.

The book today is still causing people to have discussions on the claims that aliens exist. Whether you believe it or not, it has certainly made an impact and gets you thinking.


Alien Abduction:

Over the years there have been countless reports of UFO`s, spaceships and aliens from other worlds visiting the Earth, some of which go back thousands of years, but when did the first recorded incident take place? In September 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were driving through the White Mountains on their way back to New Hampshire. The time was 2am. On the road ahead, Betty noticed a blinding white piercing light coming from the sky. Suddenly the light changed direction and headed straight for them. As the object grew nearer, Barney stopped the car and got out to investigate. Approaching the light, he recalls seeing a “pancake like disc” glowing in the dark, which was the size of a jet.

Running back to the car, Barney shouted to his wife, “Don’t look at the light!” But before Betty could avert her eyes, she started to feel intense drowsiness before losing consciousness altogether.

Two hours later they were sitting on their drive, still in the car, having no memory of how they got there or where the past two hours had gone.

After a few days, Barney noticed that Betty was not her normal self and had started acting strangely, becoming confused and bewildered. When he asked her what was wrong, she kept mentioning a place that they had never heard of.

Later that same week they had a meeting with a psychiatrist called Ben Simon, who reported after consultation, that Betty was suffering from crippling anxiety which manifested in the form of repetitive nightmares. Also she had described where she had been, and gave a detailed drawing of the exact map's location. Unfortunately the location was not of this Earth, in fact it was a place in deep space called Zeta Reticuli which was 40 light years away. Astronomers were so excited by the accuracy of the drawing, that they were convinced that this was an alien abduction, as there was no possible way that she could have pinpointed the location without inside knowledge.

Further conversations with Dr Simon, revealed that Barney recalls seeing “creatures” with slanted eyes taking the couple onboard, before carrying out experiments on them. He went on to say that they had had hair, skin and nail clippings taken from them before one of the creatures inserted a six inch needle into Betty's abdomen.

During the experiment, Betty asked the creature where they were? It replied, "If you don’t know where you are, its pointless me telling you as you will not recognise it."

Because of the accuracy of the map location and the psychiatric report form Dr Simon, the American Air Force took the results as true and serious, and started the now well known “Project Blue Book” file which was the start of recording any UFO sightings, alien abductions and strange phenomena over the next 70 years.

Betty and Barney Hill`s incident was the first ever recorded sighting and abduction to be entered in to the Project Blue Book file, where countless thousands of encounters and sightings would follow over the next seven decades and are still being monitored and logged to this day.

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About Robert Grindley

My name is Rob Grindley and I work for an engineering supplies company called Bearingtech. Recently I have written some small articles on various topics including ships and yachts which I thought may be of interest to readers. My first article looks at some of the most expensive boats in the world.