living a new life - 4
"mists and mellow fruitfulness"
Keats’ description of Autumn brings to mind a rich image and a distinct feeling, with the growing chill in the air, the earthy scent of leaves underfoot and the rich colours of the trees, hedgerows and fields.
Inevitably, the less barriers that you have between yourself and nature, the more you will see the changes that happen as the seasons move from one to another. Living, or spending time, on a boat, puts you in almost direct contact with the environment as you navigate your way along canal or river.
The term “Autumn” has been with us since the 1300s. “The fall”, which I always consider as particularly American, was, in fact, in common use in England until the end of the 1600s. The “falling” and “springing” of the leaves were physical changes that measured the seasons for our forebears.
Autumn is a time of change. The colours of the leaves and fruits on trees, along with the crops in the fields, create a tapestry across the landscape. Vincent van Gough said, “As long as Autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colours enough to paint the beautiful things I see. (1) In truth, this beauty is a sign of shorter, colder days, which themselves presage a time when nature will sleep.
The falling of the leaves, the gathering in of the harvest and that period of rest are all necessary to make space for new growth in the coming spring. In the same way, for us, we may need to reflect the changes of the seasons, to be ready for what next year brings.
(1)Letter from Vincent van Gough to Theo van Gogh. Arles, c.26 September 1888.