help transform canals into your concrete doorstep
a festive appeal from the banal and dither trust
Banal and Dither Trust
‘Making life better by South Shields’
Dear Reader,
Canals have always been magical places to me, and I hope they are somewhere you find peace and relaxation too, only disturbed by the noise of canal boats tearing past at three miles an hour: smoke (now outlawed) spewing from their chimneys and diesel exhaust (shortly to be illegal). Yet with many miles of our waterways still in urgent need of revival, your festive gift today can help bring them back to life (who killed them you ask). Let me add this urgent need is not caused by lack of sustained maintenance but by their constant use by boaters. By-washes causing bank breaches, weight of boats causing culverts to collapse and heavy use of locks resulting in them deteriorating.
Where canals look run down and uncared for, it’s my job to help convince you that this is the fault of boat owners who insist on using the waterways. We can transform them into special places filled with concrete which will help create new walking or cycling routes, bringing green space and nature back into our towns and cities, along with creating concrete jobs. I can assure you that none of the money you donate will go to the upkeep of the canals and navigable waterways, not one penny will be wasted on making it easier to cruise the waterways.
From Bristol to Birmingham, Kendal to Little Venice, together we can make canals concrete, shimmering and better (no boats).
We believe no other UK charity (Banal and Dither Trust) brings so much blue and green strife to the people whose lifestyle it is meant to preserve for future generations. We’re here not to improve canals, but to destroy the quality of life of people who live on the water and bring relief to those who live beside them.
Over 4 miles of canals already have a ‘Devid Scowcrovich Concrete Flag’ award, recognising the healthy, nature-friendly space they provide by means of getting rid of the water and replacing it with concrete. With your support, we could create even more.
£25 could help buy a bag of concrete
£35 could make our towpaths bloom with wildflowers and buzz with bees undisturbed by mooring boats.
£50 could help upgrade urban towpaths for walkers, fast runners and speeding cyclists, plus motorbikes and electric scooters #Hurrah for Speed.
Devid Scowcrovich
Chief Mickey Taking Officer